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注册时间: 2005-05-17
帖子: 1421
来自: 常德,石门(英语营营长)

第 1 楼 发表于: 2006-03-08 16:01:28    发表主题: 2006,03.11晚/周六免费英语沙龙引用并回复

Salon Topic: Going to school
The American educator Horace Mann once said : “ As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being untiil he is educated. “ Education is the process through which people endeavor to pass along to their children their hard-won wisdom and their aspirations for a better world. The most important role played in education is the teacher.
Please answer the question.
1. Which teacher do you remember best?
2. How long did you study with him?
3. How old were you when you met the teacher?
Research commissioned by the world Bank shows that a teacher’s qualifications, experience, education level, and knowledge have significant consequences for what children achieve. The trend world-wide isfore all teachers to receive higher education and specialist teacher. But a good relationship between teachers and students is also very important.
1. Now please read passage and then talk about the advantages and disadvantages of teaching as a job. While reading for the first time, add more key words in the notes colum.
Eg: unexpected , lesson plan

2.After the second reading. Complete the following chart.

Eg: There are so many enjoyable unexpected

It’s a terribly hard work.
…… ….
3.talk about the advantages and disadvantages of teaching as a job and What makes a good teacher ? (Free talk or in groups)
Presenter: Christin teaches in a secondary school. What does she enjoy about being a teacher?
Christine: I enjoy the fun you have, I enjoy the …er..the unexpected, the things that c…that you can’t plan for. When we were at college I think the only thing that they…they kept on about was planing lessons, and we used to have to make these lessons plans up and they always seemed to me like the great works of modern fiction, the lesson plans because real lesson aren’t like that, they don’t work out the way you plan them and that’s what makes it really interesting is that you just go in, thinking you’re going to do thing A and it turns into thing B, depending on what the students do and say.
And they ‘re also so funny, yeah, I mean students are terribly entertaining a…. they ‘re just a hoot. And they …they come out with all these amazing things and they tell you things. And if you’re any good at theat they will trust you as a person. . And so what you’re teaching them about “ the big world” and the world they’re going into, and about the relationship and values and things like that.
I think the only downside is that It’s terribly hard work and it’s awfully tring physically-and emotionally at times . but childrent are just such nice people, and if you treat them properly then they’ll do anything. You can ..You can turn them into anything you want if you treat them well and you develop appropriate relatiionships with them. Then there’s very little that they can’t learn and can’t do , and a good teacher can take children into a whole world which is magic and exciting.
Presenter: What changes have taken place in the relationship between teachers and pupils since she was at school?
Christin: I think that there was has been a real change in the quality of ralationships, I think they’re mujch more open, more relaxed, less formal. Some people would say that implies a I … a drop in the standards, I would disagree violently with that. I think that quality relationships bring quality work. And familiarity does not breed contempt, care and control are not opposites. If you care for children you manage your classroom well , and it is a welll-ordered classroom, it doesn’t mean it is not a relaxed classroom, it’s not a friendly classroom, it’s not a supportive classroo.
What matters is that …that it’s a … there is a good quality of relationship between the teacher and the student ,and the student trusts the teacher as an individual and vice versa. And I think teachers have become more human and more open with their students and are more prepared to allow the students to know more about them as individuals. Students are involved much more in their own progress and their own assessment, they have a voice in their programs of study and their progress.And that voice that has always been a vital voice and the teachers who failed to take that on board, who didn’t listen to student feed back, were losing out on a whole valuable resource for planning and developing work:it’s how the students are receiving the work.
And I think one of the big changes has been the handing over of some of the responsibility in the classroom to children. But it does, I think, demand more skill not less. I think it’s much harder to take risks with youngsters, to be open, to be relaxed. It’s easy to run an authoritarian classroom, it’s easy to rule using fear and the punishment and threat. But winning and earning the repect of chlildren, and earning a relaxed classroom isn’t about low expectations, it’s about purposeful quality work. And it’s very very hard to achieve, it’s much easier to bully them into submission and shout at them.

本期主持: 落地蔷薇

手机: 13798311026

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最后进行编辑的是 shirley on 2006-03-09 22:47:44, 总计第 2 次编辑
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第 1.5 楼 赞助商广告


注册时间: 2006-03-01
帖子: 17
来自: 湖南邵阳

第 2 楼 发表于: 2006-03-09 16:19:38    发表主题: 引用并回复

晕死了,我怎么一点都看不懂啊! Crying or Very sad
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注册时间: 2005-05-17
帖子: 1421
来自: 常德,石门(英语营营长)

第 3 楼 发表于: 2006-03-09 22:47:25    发表主题: 引用并回复

[quote="yuan_yuan"]晕死了,我怎么一点都看不懂啊! Crying or Very sad[/quote


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